Sunday, February 8, 2009


I took my son to the movies tonight to see Coraline in 3D.

It was fun and the best part was spending some non-normal time with my son. The film was well made, the characters nifty and the story is mostly what Neil Gaiman wrote. I didn't think it was great - just good. I'm not sure why I quantify it this way except to say that I felt it was overacted and considering that these are animations, that kind of comment might seem weird. The actual book was a bit softer and perhaps a bit more scary - this was very polished and a bit less real.

I think any time a book is made into a movie it suffers the comparison between the two. Overall, I'm pleased I went to see it on the big screen because I don't do that much these days. I like Coraline (hence my icon) and it polished off my weekend rather nicely. I didn't have a real dinner tonight even though we planned chicken and rice - because our first venture to the theater was find it sold out and the second we pre-purchased - somehow dinner never happened.

I also did some writing this weekend and I've once again come to the conclusion that perhaps my writing pendulum is once again swinging back toward novel length - everything I start writing instantly expands and I play hell trying to corral it into something anywhere near short story length. I'm hoping that by summer I may crack out a novel or two - I may be good enough to do it now. We shall see :)

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