Tuesday, March 10, 2009


My son, who is 28, had a problem last night. Basically I've been working with my son for about 8 years on mistakes I made while raising him which caused him issues as an adult. He has made a lot of progress but he still has 'stuff' - last night one of those popped up like a zit - really. He cornered me in my bedroom to 'talk' and I explained to him that as you work through one big issue, eventually it fades out and under it you find other issues that are lurking or hidden and they pop up like zits - free at last.

We had a good discussion but it is stressful. This lesson costs me $1250 bucks - more or less, since part of his current issue is around reactive spending and I'm his damn safety net.

On the one hand this is all good because HE CAME TO ME - on the other hand @#%^$@# there goes bucks...sigh.

Once again I suggested he go to a therapist - once again he rejected that saying it was hard enough telling me stuff. GAH!!! This is one of the downsides of being in psychology - advice or expertise. ::sigh:: Still, I have to own my stuff too here. So we muddle forward.

The problem is that I have Celiacs and I had been marginally naughty about 30 minutes before his 'confession' and most of the time I can get away with a naughty here and there - but when you add stress to naughty my Celiacs bursts out with a full on migraine and that was my reward - that and my dog was very active last night and wouldn't let me sleep. That led to me staying home from morning classes to get rid of the migraine (they last from 12-18 hours from onset) - I'm in the nearly recovered part right now and will head to school in another hour or so.

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