Friday, January 9, 2009

adding friends (following)...

Ah hah!

I have overcome the software and found the right button! ::hee hee::

To accomplish it I needed the url of the blog I wanted to follow...
Then I clicked on my dashboard or the blogger symbol...
Then I scrolled down to AD and voila...

I haz followed...


  1. You're way smarter than I am--or at least more patient.

  2. Welcome to Blogger Mallory!

    Immortals to Die For

  3. :::hee hee::: Maria, I think it is my level of frustration - a part of me feels stupid when I think something should work - like the world is hiding the buttons from me. :)

    Although, Blogger isn't the most intuitive interface. In my opinion I shouldn't have to look for the button or link. But that is just MY opinion.

  4. Hi J.K. Coi and welcome/thank you for visiting. I'm going to pop over onto yours now to see what you are up to as well.
