Saturday, January 10, 2009


I've decided today will be a good day.

Some of you know I lost a dear friend yesterday. He was instrumental in encouraging me to return to the University and when I realized he was gone I felt like I must make his young life count for something.

I often think we underestimate the effect we have on each other and often we are so caught up in our own stuff that we don't tell people how much we appreciate them. So, today I decided to make it a day of renewal and effort.

To that end I am going to try to get a few more pieces into circulation and I'm going to try to grout my front porch and paint some trim (it's beautiful and sunny here today) and I'm going to look at that novella that wants to be a play. Why not today? I may not have tomorrow so today it is...


  1. Hi Mallory - I came via Maria's blog to say hi. I'm very sorry for your loss. You're right. We definitely need to tell others we appreciate them. It's a great policy to put in place because our effort can spur others to do the same. :)

  2. Hi Shelley,

    Welcome. Maria is so generous.

    Death is always so shocking and so final. I want to think he knew how much everyone loved him but I know he didn't realize how much motivation he gave to me.
